Chapter News

On behalf of the ASMBS Ohio/Kentucky Chapter, we are pleased to invite you to our complimentary educational Annual Conference.
We decided to invest in you, in your education, as well as improving the care of patients suffering from severe obesity in our 2 states and the whole country.
Please join us for this outstanding educational event. Our meeting agenda has been loaded with outstanding speakers, including past presidents of the ASMBS or council members. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to interact not only with your colleagues and friends, but also to interact with our national leaders!
Chapter President
Full agenda will be posted on the ASMBS Ohio/Kentucky Chapter website.
Continuing Medical Education Credits:
The MetroHealth System is accredited by the Ohio State Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The MetroHealth System designates this educational activity for a maximum of 7.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM.
Attendees should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Published in Bariatric Times
By: Adrian G. Dan MD FACS FASMBS & Christopher Daigle MD FRCSC
Building on past history and recent success
The Ohio and Kentucky Chapter of the ASMBS first came into existence as the Ohio State Bariatric Society (OSBS) in 2006. The association was organized to fulfill a need for advocacy for the bariatric community on the state and regional level. The similarities and geographic proximity of the 2 states along the Ohio River made this collaboration an obvious arrangement. Starting this year, the chapter officially began conducting business under its updated name as reflected in its newly designed logo and website. This has facilitated a synergy of resources that can be applied toward the causes of bariatric caregivers and patients.
The states of Ohio and Kentucky, situated in the heart of the Midwest, find themselves in the midst of America’s obesity epidemic. With a combined population of more than 16 million and obesity rates between 30 and 35%, it is estimated that well over 5 million individuals are currently affected by the disease and its associated comorbidities (1).
The region has deep traditions in general and bariatric surgery, having been home to many bariatric pioneers during the courses of their storied carriers. These including Drs. Pories, Hess, Gagner and Schauer amongst many others. Major contributions to our field include the development of the Bilio-Pancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch, first performed at Wood County Hospital, OH in 1988 (2). In addition several centers have produced high quality studies that have added tremendously to the general knowledge fund and have provided high-level evidence of the effectiveness of bariatric and metabolic surgery. Numerous institutions throughout the 2 states have long been venerated for some of the most prestigious surgical residency and fellowship programs in the country. Consequently, the demand for bariatric and metabolic surgical procedures has been met with the delivery of high-quality bariatric care for decades at teaching and community hospitals throughout the area. Ohio and Kentucky are home to 40 Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) centers (3). Several distinguished members of the chapter also hold leadership positions in the national ASMBS including members and chairs of committees, members of the executive board, and two recent past-presidents.
The most notable recent accomplishment of the chapter has been the new inclusion of bariatric surgery benefits by several payers that now are in line with the established and widely accepted NIH criteria. This has made access to bariatric care available to thousands of patients who now can benefit from surgical therapy. This feat was largely realized through the relentless work and efforts of immediate past president, Dr. Joseph Northup, who also serves as the chapter’s STAR and co-chairs the national ASMBS Access to Care committee.
This year, the chapter is revamping its annual meeting to include not only bariatric surgeons and bariatricians, but also to strongly encourage the participation of all professionals with a stake in the promotion of bariatric and metabolic surgery. This includes all integrated health professionals, surgical residents, bariatric fellows and industry partners whose efforts and dedication contribute to the management and success of bariatric patients. The preparation for this conference in Columbus, Ohio has revealed great interest from attendees and unprecedented support from our industry partners. The agenda includes lectures delivered by experts with international reputations, both from the region and other states. Newly established traditions will include the inauguration of the Philip R. Schauer Clinical Lecture which will be delivered by former chapter president Dr. Bipan Chand and the Walter Pories Keynote Address delivered by Dr. Pories himself.
The future endeavors of the chapter include further expanding upon the recent accomplishments in the areas of patient advocacy, bariatric surgical training, education for integrated health professionals and research collaboration. Significant opportunity exists to facilitate such progress through enhanced local and regional organization. The chapter’s current leadership consists of integrated health representative Anne Kroger PA, Vice-president Christopher Daigle MD and President Adrian G. Dan MD. Chapter events and noteworthy bariatric news are conveniently found on the group’s new online home at www.ohkyasmbs.org.
Hess DS, Hess DW. Biliopancreatic Diversion with a duodenal switch. Obes Surg. 1998;8:267-282.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Acccessed 8/19/2018
3. American College of Surgeons – Accessed 8/19/2018