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President: Leslie Pristas, DO FACS FASMBS DABS-FPMBS

Vice President: Ricard Corcelles, MD 

Past Presidents:  Sergio Bardaro, MD FACS FASMBS DABS-FPMBS;  
Christopher Daigle, MD FACS FRCSC FASMBS; Adrian Dan, MD FASMBS; C. Joe Northup, MD FASMBS; Bradley J. Needlemam, MD FASMBS 

Allied Health Officer: Amy Laktash, MSN RN NP-C
STAR (State Access to Care Representative Ohio): John Zografakis, MD FASMBS
STAR (State Access to Care Representative Kentucky): Joshua Steiner, MD FASMBS

Research & Education Chair: Sabrina Noria, MD PhD FRCSC FACS FASMBS
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Sergio Bardaro, MD FACS FASMBS

Chapter President

Sergio Bardaro, MD FACS FASMBS



Leslie Pristas, DO, FACS

Vice President

Amy Lakash, MSN RN NP-C

Allied Health Officer

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Christopher Daigle, MD FACS FASMBS

Immediate Past  President

Adrian Dan, MD FACS

 Past  President


Joe Northup, MD FACS 

Past  President


Bradley Needleman, MD FACS 

Past  President

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